About Us
Business and economics research journal Listed in Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) it is categorized in C category journals. It Was Launched in 2010. Our journal provides a platform to publish original articles, case studies and research papers related to International Relations, Strategic Communications, Management Sciences, Education and Multiculturalism. We are committed to bringing forth all the latest trends in research through our journals. The Journal of Communication Management and Leadership is one of the reputed journals in the field of Communication and Management. The journal publishes original research, review articles, and case studies which will provide new perspectives on topical issues. The dominant features of this journal are its high quality and attractiveness. Our journal Covers Publication Of Novel Concepts, New Methods, New Regimens, New Technologies, Alternative Approaches And Promises To Provide Most Authentic And Complete Source Of Information On Current Development In All Educational Fields.
Scope of this Journal
Business and economics research journal will covers and accepts the topics such as Management, Business Studies, Applied Economics, Accounting, Administrative Management, Social Science Methods, Taxation and Public Policy, Entrepreneurship, Sociology, Social Psychology, Organizational Behavior, Corporate Social Responsibility, Economics and Other fields of Management.
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Submission deadline: There is no deadline to submission of your papers, we will publish your papers as per in the respective Issues.